*This 1985 song was written to celebrate the street buskers of London. The song benefitted from a catchy keyboard sound and was the 2nd single released from this band's 1985 album, the 1st having established the band as MTV darlings. Add to that the song's incorporation of 'woos'...something that the writer regretted when listening to it later, because there were just so many of them. Name the band and extra credit for the name of the song...
*A 1971 track from a quite famous double album was written from the perspective of a man who is hated and shunned. He's asking for empathy, but is clearly unhinged and seems to have anger issues. The lyrics were based on the band's guitarist whose own feelings of angst coming from expectations and pressure to be someone he's not. Name the band, the guitarist and extra credit for the name of the track... *This band had three members until 1977 when one of them left to pursue a career in a totally different genre. The other 2 continued as a duo, but struggled to find a hit with a cover of California Dreamin' being their only charting hit in the time period of 1977-1981. And then they recorded this song about a skeptic who doesn't believe in love until he meets a girl who shows him it's real. Part of the song was a nod to the Crosby, Stills & Nash song, Suite Judy Blue Eyes, which contains a similar musical section. Name the band and extra credit for the name of the song... *This great band's keyboard player wrote a song which is about life, gradually descending into death. Hence the angrier and more intense first half with a dying person refusing to "go gently into that good night." The 2nd half is gentler, as the dying person gives into the inevitable and fades away. This track, was one of only a few band's songs to use a female vocalist. Name the band and extra credit for the name of the song... BATTLE OF THE BANDS Band on the Run by Paul McCartney vs Dirty Laundry by Don Henley ANSWERS 1. Dire Straits, Walk of Life 2. The Who, Pete Townshend, Behind Blue Eyes 3. America, You Can Do Magic 4. Pink Floyd, The Great Gig In The Sky Battle of the Bands : Don Henley won with 52% of votes
*This 1970 track from a Brit band is all about a man who is unhappy with the modern world. He is looking to escape the problems created by his fellow human beings, so he plans a journey away from home, where he can live like the subject of the song's title. Name the band and the title of this 1970 track...one that appeared in the 1986 Robin Williams movie, Club Paradise...
*During the recording of this 1979 album and specifically this song, the band did some 70 takes of it...trying to achieve the right feel the band's leader felt it deserved. It got so tedious that the guitar player (and co-writer of the track) ultimately just walked out of the studio, leaving the project for a few days, claiming he just had a mental breakdown. This great album held down the #2 position in the US for 7 straight weeks...being held out of the #1 slot by Pink Floyd's, The Wall. Name the band and extra credit for the name of the track... *In 1974 this great band's frontman wrote a breakup song in which the man is regretting his decision. Despite writing the track and handling many of the group's lead vocals, another member sang lead. The song portended a shift in the band's musical style, as they began recording more ballads and relying less on horns. Carl Wilson, Dennis Wilson and Al Jardine, all of The Beach Boys sang backup on this track. Name the band and extra credit for the name of the song that was this band's 3rd track to reach #1 on the Adult Contemporary Charts... *This exceptional artist played a pivotal part in at least two of the major musical movements of the classic rock era. He started his professional career with a band that helped pioneer the British Invasion. The other band in question helped usher in the transition from hippie folk-rock to the reflective singer/songwriters of the 70's. Name the artist and extra credit for the name of the ground-breaking bands... BATTLE OF THE BANDS Blue Bayou by Linda Ronstadt vs Blue Bayou by Roy Orbison ANSWERS 1. Kinks, Apeman 2. Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, Refugee 3. Chicago, Wishing You Were Here 4. Graham Nash, Hollies, Crosby, Stills & Nash Battle of the Bands : Linda Ronstadt won with 54% of votes I am Delaine Faris, Big Canoe’s Rock and Roll Woman and your musical hostess on Wednesday nights. Welcome to The Journey….only on Inside The Gates Radio. This show explores rock’s classic roots through today’s new music…..and a little of everything in between. And, that is how I start every new edition of my show from the woods, waters, and wonders of Big Canoe. But, how did I get here? What is The Journey?
Well, my love for all things rock started as a little girl growing up in Houston, TX in the 1960’s. My Dad could play any song he heard on our upright piano after a single listen and we would entertain each other for hours. Him playing and me singing and dancing beside him to his versions of Fats Domino, Jerry Lee Lewis, Hank Williams, and Cole Porter. He loved all genres of music and so did I. He knew every note and I knew every word. I did not have my Dad’s piano talents and he tried in vain to teach me. I had a different plan. I had seen something on TV that rendered my Dad’s piano obsolete. It was a group called the Beatles and I decided I wanted to play the drums like a guy named Ringo. My Dad was a firm no on the little girl rock drummer idea, believing that juvenile delinquency was sure to follow, so we picked up a new hobby. He was a switch engineer for the phone company who also loved electronics. So, we would build Radio Shack hobby kits together. It was a glorious moment when the last wire was connected and a bulb lit or a sound was heard. And one of those kits was a magical radio and radio would become my constant companion throughout the 70’s. Just pause a moment to think about the incredible rock music, the concerts, and that new type of radio station that hit the airwaves around that time …. FM Album Oriented Rock. Fortunately for me, Houston, TX was the home of one of the most legendary FM AOR stations in the US. 101 KLOL Runaway Radio was the coolest thing in the world taking a style-queue from the pirate radio stations blasting from across the border in Mexico, who could play anything they wanted free of the US government regulations. And, they had a woman DJ. Dana Steele became my idol and her listeners were known as, Steelworkers. A couple of other musical hosts that became cultural icons started to influence this budding young wanna-be DJ. On Saturday at noon, a new show came out called Soul Train with, Don Cornelius and on Friday at Midnight, I would stay up for Wolfman Jack and the Midnight Special. On these shows, I would see Al Green, Sly & the Family Stone, Grand Funk Railroad, and Fleetwood Mac among many others. Everything was influenced for me and my friends from our clothes to our hair to our attitudes. We were now Rockers!. Enter the early 1980’s and a cultural earthquake was about to strike. Video Killed the Radio Star, by English Band the Buggles was the first music video shown on MTV in the US, airing at 12:01 a.m. August 1st in 1981. Did video kill the radio star? Did commercial interests ruin our beloved FM stations as Tom Petty sings, in The Last DJ? Debatable, because after four decades and a long career that started as non other than a Radio Shack store manager, I find myself behind a streaming community radio station microphone living my lady DJ dreams with six of the most talented fellow DJ’s I could ever find. A “Journey” if you will. What can you expect to hear when you tune into my show on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM EST? Rock from past to present and everything in between from R&B to Soul to Country and a sprinkle of American Classics, think Sinatra. And with a nod to FM radio’s album oriented days, each week we play a perfect album side uninterrupted and recommended by a listener. We pride ourselves at Inside the Gates Radio for our direct connection to our listeners. Throughout our shows, our listeners interact with us via text from Big Canoe and all over the world through the magic of technology and internet streaming. Tune in Wednesday for a Journey not measured in miles, but in the joy of our listeners celebrating time spent together with a drink of choice and the music of our lifetimes. Delaine Faris Live Show: “The Journey” Wednesday Nights 6:30 PM EST Text during live show: 404-444-2070 Email: [email protected] *As a songwriter, this artist has long displayed a somewhat theatrical bent, and has created a handful of stock characters who seem to, with certain variations, continue to reappear in his songs over the years. One of the artist's favorites is the not-so-lovable rogue whose fondness for adventure and aversion to consequence often leads to perilous situations. This 1978 track features an anti-hero in need of and imploring for specific support. Name the artist and extra credit for the name of the song...
*A song from this band's 1974 album is considered one of, if not, their smoothest (that is saying something) and a true exemplar of the 1970's California sound. The lyrics attempt to comfort the singer's friend who is going through a difficult time. The refrain in the beginning starts with encouraging lyrics from one friend to another in a time of need. Name the band and extra credit for the name of the song... *A 1975 live album contained this very romantic love ballad. The artist is telling his girl that he loves everything about her and wants to be with her day and night. The track actually went nowhere when it was released first as a single, but when it was included on the live album a year later, it became one of many huge hits. Name the artist and extra credit for the name of the track... *A 1971 hit produced one of their most well-known songs, but this band wasn't looking for a hit at the time. The album version ran 8:29, but was edited to 3:27 for release as a single. It climbed to #13 on the US Hot 100 giving the band their biggest hit until another track eclipsed it 12 years later in 1983. The first time the band heard the song, it was on the radio. They had no idea it had been released. They objected to the amount of editing...that is until it became a big hit. Name the band and extra credit for the name of the track... BATTLE OF THE BANDS Sussudio by Phil Collins vs Baby, I Love Your Way by Peter Frampton ANSWERS 1. Warren Zevon, Lawyers, Guns and Money 2. Steely Dan, Any Major Dude Will Tell You 3. Peter Frampton, Baby, I Love Your Way 4. Yes, Roundabout Battle of the Bands : Peter Frampton won with 54% of votes *Back in 1972, a gent by the name of Elliot Randall, who was not a member of the band in the studio at the time, stopped by on an invite from an existing member while they were recording the track we'll enjoy this evening. One thing led to another and he ended up playing the guitar solo, marking the first time of many, the band would use studio musicians. By their 4th album, nearly every player was a studio musician. Randall would go on to play on 2 additional albums by the band. Name the band and of course, extra credit for the name of the track...
*Born and raised in west suburban Maywood, Illinois, this artist was a prominent member of Chicago's folk revival in the early 70's. Not merely a gifted musician, but a masterful storyteller as well...bringing light to heavy topics of love, life and current events. Working part-time as a mailman and some of the clubs all around Chicago, he was discovered by a young journalist named Roger Ebert, who gave him his 1st ever review in the Chicago Sun Times and it was quite popular. Name the artist... *We'll play a song from 1967 that is all about Marianne Faithfull, the British singer/actress who had a most famous romance with Mick Jagger at one time. Additionally, she dated the singer/guitarist of this band for a short time. 'Marianne' was then altered to the character name of the track, so it would not be totally obvious. The band kept it a secret until 1995, when a key member of the band spilled the beans in a documentary. Name the band and extra credit for the name of the track... *In 1968, this keyboardist was fine-tuning a career in music that was about to take a giant step forward. The song we'll enjoy was written with that intent in mind. But he did not release it until he joined this band in 1969 and he shared with the rest of the band a song that was perfect for them. The track was included on the group's 1969 album, but was not released as a single until 1970 with a slower pace, a different key and a string section. It became one of, if not the most well-known ballads the band ever had. Name the artist, the band he joined and extra credit for the name of the song... BATTLE OF THE BANDS Spare Me A Little Of Your Love by Fleetwood Mac vs The Joker by Steve Miller Band ANSWERS 1. Steely Dan, Reelin’ in the Years 2. John Prine 3. Hollies, Carrie-Ann 4. David Gates, Bread, It Don’t Matter To Me Battle of the Bands : Steve Miller Band won with 53% of votes *We'll enjoy a track from 1983 by an artist known for his dark humor. It hit the charts right in the middle of the 1984 Summer Olympics in California and had a rather strong Beach Boys/Brian Wilson influence. Name the artist and extra credit for the name of the song...
*Going back to its release in 1970, this track became the title of the band's 3rd album. Oddly enough, the track was not included on that album because the band just didn't like the way it sounded at the time. 2 years later...they brought it back and it became a rather large hit for them. Name the band and extra credit for the name of the song... *Back in the 70's, this artist started his quite successful musical career around the same time as did Bruce Springsteen and John Mellencamp...two artists that tended to keep him from the spotlight and fame that he would ultimately achieve. Springsteen had the fawning support of the New York-based media while Mellencamp embraced high-profile political causes like Farm Aid and married a beautiful model. Name the U.S. artist that did not have any of the previously mentioned marketing advantages, but would go on to release some exceptional music for decades that followed... *We will play one of the longest songs ever released by this incredible band. It ran 7 minutes and 14 seconds, but the lead singer's work was completed in the first 2:45 as the groove played out over the next four-and-a-half minutes. The jam has a distinct Santana influence. Name the band and extra credit for the name of the track... BATTLE OF THE BANDS Waiting for the Sun by The Doors vs It Keeps You Running by The Doobie Brothers ANSWERS 1. Randy Newman, I Love L.A. 2. The Doors, Waiting for the Sun 3. Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band 4. Rolling Stones, Can’t You Hear Me Knocking? Battle of the Bands : Doobie Brothers won with 61% of votes |
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