*This outstanding band lost its leader in 1979 with his unfortunate passing and was able to carry on a few more years before breaking up. And then in 1987, several long-time bandmembers decided to reconvene with a brand-new line-up. They cut an album that put them back on the map the next year...Name the leader and band...
*This British band's guitarist wrote the song that tells the story about a lovelorn guy stuck in his lonely room. The track is one of a handful of their hits and their highest charting song in America. The story turned tragic when in 1975, after a dispute with their record label over missing money, the guitarist committed suicide...Name the band and the artist... *Don Cornelius was the host of Soul Train...but then you all knew that. He pretty much controlled which groups got on the show. In 1975 a groundbreaking event...Cornelius chose the first white artist ever to appear on the show...Name the artist... *This artist who was born in New Jersey in 1943 is a former child actor who appeared on Broadway in a production of Fanny, had a huge hit in 1976. He had bands all through High School before turning his attention to psychology, completing his studies at Frei University in Berlin, Germany. A stint with a name band that temporarily disbanded in 1970 led to his dream solo career. Name the artist... Battle Of The Bands! American Woman by Guess Who vs Riders on the Storm by The Doors Answers: 1. Lowell George, Little Feat 2. Badfinger, Pete Ham 3. Gino Vannelli 4. Gary Wright Guess Who was the winner by a single vote
*In this 1968 song, there are secrets the singer simply will not reveal to the girl he loves. He's obsessed with her, thinks about her all the time and tormented because he can't have her. This L.A. band charted frequently between 1965 and 1975. Name the band and extra credit for the name of the song (one with a time reference in the title)...
*This single released in 1967 from a great album is considered one of the monumental cuts of this great band. The songwriter wrote the music after attending a Jimi Hendrix concert, developing a bass riff afterward, with an assist from one of his famous bandmates. A great song, Hendrix thought and even played it at some of his concerts, while expressing his highest praise for each of the bandmates of this famous group. Name the band and the song... *This band formed in Springfield, Missouri in 1972. Moderate success on their 1st album, motivated them to album #2 that yielded this notable track about a woman who is in pursuit of happiness but never gives anything a long enough time to make her happy. Bored, flighty or indifferent...it's just not going to happen. The name of the song is the female subject of the track, and was released in 1974. Name the band and extra credit for the name of the song... *This lazy, laid-back celebration of love on a summer's day originated when the writer attempted to rewrite The Supremes' Baby Love...though it turned into something quite different. The song was released with short term expectations of at least a Top Ten showing on the charts, but the track actually had a very long and prosperous run for years, even decades. Name the NYC band formed in 1965 lasted 4 years...with 2 later reunions...one of which carries on even today...Extra credit for the name of the song... Battle Of The Bands! Wild World by Cat Stevens vs Come Monday by Jimmy Buffett Answers: 1. The Grass Roots, Midnight Confessions 2. Cream, Sunshine of Your Love 3. The Ozark Mountain Daredevils, Jackie Blue 4. The Lovin’ Spoonful, Daydream Cat Stevens was the winner with 52% of the votes *This Northen European group's guitarist wrote a track we'll share today. Not originally written in English, when the song got translated, the writer wrote down the first line incorrectly and that error made it all through the recording process as the singer sang the incorrect line. No problem though as the song became a #1 hit. The word in question in the first line? Goddess was the correct word...Goddness was actually sung. Name the band and extra credit for the name of the song...
*This song from 1973 is one of this band's most famous. It was inspired by the events leading up to the final date of their U.S. tour...one fraught with problems. Most of the band flew to Memphis to do the gig, but the guitarist decided to drive while his guitar with all the other equipment went on the plane. The airline lost the guitar. That wasn't the only thing that went wrong, but they got it all together and put on a great concert that included a bit of a jam segment with Joe Walsh. Name the band and extra credit for the name of the song... *In 1960 this artist formed his first band, The Cavaliers with 3 friends. He played the drums and harmonica in the band, but it wasn't until the band's breakup a year later that he embarked on a singing career. He developed some famous performing antics as a singer...because he was no longer bound by playing a guitar or piano. Name the artist... *This artist's career received a huge boost when Roy Orbison chose to record a duet together. It won a Grammy for Best Country Collaboration with Vocals in 1989. The song was also used in the Jon Cryer film, Hiding Out. Name the artist and again...extra credit for the song title... Battle Of The Bands! Goodbye Stranger by Supertramp vs Eye in the Sky by Alan Parsons Project Answers: 1. Shocking Blue, Venus 2. Mott the Hoople, All The Way From Memphis 3. Joe Cocker 4. KD Lang, Crying Alan Parsons Project was the winner with 52% of the votes *This artist spent the first 45 years of his life hiding, sheltering everything about his personal life from just about everyone. Something happened...the result was a brand-new album in 1988.
And we know quite a bit more about that life of his through music. A brilliant track from an equally brilliant album. Name the artist and the album name... *Musical courtesy...this show's favorite oxymoron for today at least. The music industry can be cutthroat, but sometimes things turned out good or even better than that though. This artist was a warm-up act for Three Dog Night who recorded this song as part of their 1970 album. When the warm-up dude looked like he was going to be a success...Three Dog Night chose not to release it as a single...so as not to conflict with the start of a promising career... Name the artist and extra credit for the song... *Toughie here...the track we'll play had many interpretations...one example...it was a repudiation of Christianity....pretty heavy. The artist sees fit not to even render his opinion of what it means. "I used to get letters back in the day, letters from English classes and different science classes telling me about the deeper interpretations that they had come up with...the meaning of life, you name it. That was always entertaining, and they caused the artist to advise that these are all way more interesting than my original impetus." A 1971 vintage hit....a 1-word song title... Name the artist and the title of the track... *This band started out as The Creators, a Los Angles club band. First black band booked on the Sunset Strip, the band evolved into 'Nite Shift' aptly named as a member worked at a steel yard at night. They had trouble keeping the band together because members kept getting drafted to Vietnam. They eventually turned down an offer to become Otis Redding’s backup band and had to turn it down for a very unique reason. Name the band... severe extra credit if you know the reason... Battle Of The Bands! Bluebird by Buffalo Springfield vs Crazy Love by Poco Answers: 1. Randy Newman, Land of Dreams 2. Elton John, Your Song 3. Jonathan Edwards, Sunshine 4. War, Keyboard player was too young (age 15) to go on the road "No Sing Along For Me"
BY MIKE PODSEDLY I enjoy the great music of my generation that is played nonstop on Inside The Gates Radio. I experience the emotion and memory produced by the music that has been documented in earlier articles. One thing that is missing is my ability to sing along in a pleasant voice that the music deserves. I elicit groans and pleas to stop when in the company of others. This condition has been consistent throughout my life and has led me to be a closet car and shower singer. I can trace this lack of ability to sing to an event that occurred back in the fifth grade. My class was to perform a choral presentation at a school function. We had a tiered platform, robes and the works. After the music was selected it became imperative to rehearse for the upcoming show. I had memorized the words and was ready to go. After a few practice sessions I was pulled aside and directed to pantomime instead of singing. This evaluation was to plant the idea that singing was something I should avoid at all costs. This feeling has persisted into my senior years. While helping launch ITG Radio I began to listen to music more often. I heard many different vocal styles that I had not paid attention to before. I wondered why my voice did not come close to being within this rather wide range of recorded musicians. So, I put on my research hat to determine the cause of my seemingly outlier of a singing voice. I first came upon a test for being tone deaf on musical-u.com. I put on my best noise cancelling headphones and began the test. It was divided into three sections, all comparing two tones. First was responding whether the tones were the same or different, second consisted if the sequence of tones went up or down and lastly if the tones were higher or lower. I was surprised by my score of 83% correct. I could eliminate being tone deaf as a reason for my poor singing voice. On the musical-u website they offer training to improve your musical ability. They state that there are two aspects to singing in tune, voice control and hearing the notes. Voice control is about 20% of what it takes to sing while the ability to hear the note you should sing compared to note you are singing makes up the other 80%. As in most activities, the brain must be trained to recognize pitch and tuning. I found another article that supported the assessment that that pitch accuracy is primary cause of bad singing. There is an interview with Sean Hutchins, while he was at BRAMS (International Laboratory for Brain, Music and Sound Research), studying the neuroscience of music. “Hutchins says that even though nearly all of us are equipped with the biological hardware to produce a wide range of notes, bad singing is rampant. ‘Singing is a complex expression,’ he explains. ‘The majority of people, around 60 percent, have a difficult time’ with it. (Discover Magazine, Can't Sing? Blame Your Brain, James Dziezynski, June 22, 2014). The problem was not the perception of a note but the ability to reproduce the sound with their voices. Hutchins’ conclusion: “Our brains have the ability to signal the voice to produce the correct note, but have mapped out the wrong output to match a perceived note. ‘Our brains are quite good at perception, which is why so many of us enjoy listening to music without being great musicians,’ he says. But those same brains give our vocal cords faulty instructions.” There are many articles debating whether musicality is an innate or acquired skill. Aside from those rare individuals who are born with perfect pitch, I believe it is a skill that requires both an aptitude and practice. People born with physical assets such as height, speed, stamina, etc. are drawn to sports activities if they wish to exploit their advantages. The same holds true for people that test well may focus on academics. I have heard comments from musicians about the need to practice regularly or they see deterioration in their skill level in a relatively short time. This complaint is often repeated by participants in sports such as golf, tennis and many others. After several interruptions to my golf game, I would remark that it felt like I was starting over when I got back to the course. It appears that for me to improve my singing voice it would take a vigorous and sustained effort to train my brain to match the notes in my head to those coming from my vocal cords. Given my age and a myriad of other interests, this will not happen for me. I will proudly continue in the company of the 60% of the population that are considered “bad singers”. I will continue to experience the music on Inside The Gates Radio library, the greatest music of our lifetime! Please visit our website insidethegatesradio.com for information about connecting options, download apps, live show schedules and station news. Send us an email to [email protected] to express your questions, comments or suggestions. |
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